Pengaruh Aplikasi Pemesanan Barang Berbasis Visual Basic Terhadap Upaya Pengurangan Tingkat Waste Pelayanan Di Unit Logistik Non Medis Dalam Rangka Lean Hospital Rumah Sakit Aisyiyah Bojonegoro

  • Fathia Nur Rosyida



Background: Evaluation of 20 employees who received services at the non-medical logistics unit of 'Aisyiyah Bojonegoro Hospital said that, 55% answered that the affordability of the location of the non-medical logistics unit was quite far, corroborated by data on the average travel time to commute, namely 4.9 minutes and from the results of service observations it was found that the time to fill in the list by the logistics officer which should have been filled in by the customer/employee who ordered the goods was 5.4 minutes.

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Visual Basic-Based Goods Ordering Application on Efforts to Reduce Service WASTE Levels in Non-Medical Logistics Units in the Context of Lean Hospital, Aisyiyah Bojonegoro Hospital.

Research Subjects and Methods: This study was a pre-experimental study with the One Group Pre test Post test design. The population of this study were all employees who ordered goods at the non-medical logistics unit of 'Aisyiyah Bojonegoro Hospital, totaling 30 respondents.

Research Results: This study shows that (1) Efforts to reduce WASTE rates in the non-medical logistics unit of Aisyiyah Bojonegoro Hospital before the implementation (2) Efforts to reduce WASTE rates in the non-medical logistics unit of the Hospital Aisyiyah Bojonegoro before the implementation (3) There was a significant effect between the visual basic based goods ordering application on efforts to reduce the WASTE level of service in the non-medical logistics unit of Aisyiyah Bojonegoro Hospital by 0.000.Conclusion: Seeing the results of this study, the application for ordering goods can support efforts to reduce the WASTE level of service at the non-medical logistics unit at Aisyiyah Bojonegoro Hospital, by functioning it as a tool for completing things that can be computerized automatically, such as recording detailed lists of goods orders and stock processing of goods automatically with the system. Keywords: Visual Basic Based Goods Ordering Application, Level Downgrading EffortsWASTE Non-Medical Logistics Services

How to Cite
ROSYIDA, Fathia Nur. Pengaruh Aplikasi Pemesanan Barang Berbasis Visual Basic Terhadap Upaya Pengurangan Tingkat Waste Pelayanan Di Unit Logistik Non Medis Dalam Rangka Lean Hospital Rumah Sakit Aisyiyah Bojonegoro. Jurnal Hospital Science, [S.l.], v. 3, n. 1, p. 10-18, apr. 2020. ISSN 2598-0122. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 may 2024.