Studi Kasus Balita Gizi Buruk Di RSIM Sumberrejo

  • Sudjarwanto Sudjarwanto


Background: Based Data Bengkulu City Health Department in 2013 was known that of the 2,700 infants who weighed under five suffering from malnutrition were good as much as 2,343 (86.78%), malnutrition with 189 (7.00%), children malnutrition by 14(0.52 %), and over nutrition by 68 (2.25%) infants, whereas in 2014 out of 2,700 infants who weighed under five suffering from malnutrition were good as much as 2,455 (90.93%), malnutrition 168 (6.22%) , children malnutrition by 11 (0.41%), and over nutrition by 56 (2.07%) infants.

Purpose: To observe the maternal understanding, maternal education and economic status of families with poor nutrition and malnutrition among children under five in the city of Bengkulu 2016.

Research Method: This research was a descriptive qualitative, sample in this study were mothers with malnutrition children and poor nutrition in the city of Bengkulu, selected by using cluster sampling technique as much as 10 informants consists of: 2 children malnutrition and 8 stunting. The research was done by in-depth interviews, data collection tools such as recording, cameras, stationery and interview guidelines.

Result: Most of the mothers who have children malnutrition and malnutrition in the city of Bengkulu was mostly less understand because it was caused by factors of maternal education was still low, the number of mothers with low education as expressed informant was elementary, middle and high schools and most of the economy (income) family was still low, it was because their husbands have jobs that were not fixed.

Conclusion: Expected to mothers who have children malnutrition and malnutrition in the city of Bengkulu for more routine follow the Integrated Service Center activities and other counseling, especially the problem of nutrition conducted by the health care team. In order to be prevented and reduced the incidence of malnutrition and undernourishment, especially in infants.

How to Cite
SUDJARWANTO, Sudjarwanto. Studi Kasus Balita Gizi Buruk Di RSIM Sumberrejo. Jurnal Hospital Science, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 101-115, apr. 2022. ISSN 2598-0122. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 may 2024.