Hubungan antara Komunikasi Efektif dengan Tingkat Insiden Keselamatan Pasien Rawat Inap di RSU Muhammadiyah Babat

  • Istiqlal Fithri
  • Bela Dwi Hartiya Ningsih
  • Septin Maisharah


Background: Based on preliminary studies conduct by researchers, it is know that in 2022 there is a

fairly high incidence of patient safety and there are several influencing factors, one of which is communication factors. Objective: Analyze the relationship between effective communication and the incidence rate of inpatient safety at RSU Muhammadiyah Babat. Method: Analytical quantitative research design with crossed sectional approached. The sampling technique used incidental sampling, with a sample of 85 people. Data were collected used closed questioned as well as observed and analyzed used spearman rho test. Results: Knew sig value. (2-tailed) = 0.011 < a (0.05) with a Correlation Coefficient of 0.275 (sufficient) and a positive correlation directed, then H1 is accepted so that there is a relationship between effective communication and the incidence rate of inpatient safety at RSU Muhammadiyah Babat. Conclusion: Theres is a relationship between effective communication and the incidence rate of inpatient safety at RSU Muhammadiyah Babat.

How to Cite
FITHRI, Istiqlal; NINGSIH, Bela Dwi Hartiya; MAISHARAH, Septin. Hubungan antara Komunikasi Efektif dengan Tingkat Insiden Keselamatan Pasien Rawat Inap di RSU Muhammadiyah Babat. Jurnal Hospital Science, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 2, p. 11-19, sep. 2023. ISSN 2598-0122. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 18 may 2024.