Faktor Penyebab Belum Terlaksananya Retensi dan Pemusnahan Rekam Medis di Klinik Rawat Inap Utama Muhammadiyah Kedungadem Bojonegoro

  • Arda Aknesa Putri
  • Mitha Amelia
  • Septin Maisharah


Background: Retention is the process of applying medical record files to a storage rack based on the year of entry and moving medical record files from an active storage rack to an inactive storage rack. Every time medical records are stored on permanent shelves and continue to grow, retention or destruction measures at the Kedungadem Muhammadiyah Main Inpatient clinic since 2018 have not been carried out. Methods: The research method uses descriptive research. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations and documentation studies. Results: There are causes of 5 elements of management that cause the implementation of retention and destruction has not been carried out. Starting from aspects of education, training, knowledge that is still not fulfilled. The unformed budget also hinders the unimplementation of retention because it affects the availability of supporting infrastructure that does not yet exist and the formation of policies related to it. Conclusions: Retention and destruction that have not been carried out due to several factors in terms of 5 elements of management.

How to Cite
PUTRI, Arda Aknesa; AMELIA, Mitha; MAISHARAH, Septin. Faktor Penyebab Belum Terlaksananya Retensi dan Pemusnahan Rekam Medis di Klinik Rawat Inap Utama Muhammadiyah Kedungadem Bojonegoro. Jurnal Hospital Science, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 16-22, apr. 2024. ISSN 2598-0122. Available at: <https://e-journal.stikesmuhbojonegoro.ac.id/index.php/JHS/article/view/409>. Date accessed: 18 oct. 2024.

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