Analisis Faktor Penyebab Keterlambatan Waktu Penyediaan Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Islam Muhammadiyah Sumberrejo

  • Mia Eviola
  • Istiqlal Fithri
  • Deni Imam Maghfur


Background : Efforts to improve hospital quality can be seen from patient waiting times.The time for providing medical records is provided or found by officers in < 10 minutes for outpatient medical records. At the Muhammadiyah Islamic Hospital in Sumberrejo, the time for providing outpatient medical records is not in accordance with the Hospital Minimum Service Standards. Purpose : To know the average speed of providing outpatient medical records related to SPM and to know the factors that influence the speed of providing medical records. Method : The research method used is 5M. The data collection techniques used were interviews and observation. Result : The results of the study showed that 33% of medical records frequently experienced delays and 67% of medical records did not experience delays with a file provision time of 16.55 minutes. Conclusion : By looking at the results of this study, the factor causing delays in providing outpatient medical records is due to the relatively small number of officers so that registration officers have double duties. Apart from officers, delays in medical records were also caused by SIMRS on the computer experiencing errors or problems, the implementation of SOPs for borrowing medical records that were not running optimally and related to storage shelves being full.

How to Cite
EVIOLA, Mia; FITHRI, Istiqlal; MAGHFUR, Deni Imam. Analisis Faktor Penyebab Keterlambatan Waktu Penyediaan Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Islam Muhammadiyah Sumberrejo. Jurnal Hospital Science, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 1, p. 68-77, apr. 2024. ISSN 2598-0122. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 nov. 2024.

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